Unapproved Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 20th March 2023
West Fen Parish Meeting
7.15 pm on 20th March 2023
Dyson Farming Offices, Carrington
Minutes (Unapproved)
5 electors plus the Clerk and the Chairperson (names held by the Clerk) and 1 local councillor. 2 members of the public were also in attendance for the duration of the meeting.
- The meeting was opened at 19.23 with a public forum presentation from the 2 members of the public (“the applicants”) with reference to the planning application S/203/00283/23 Erection of a dwelling, installation of a ground mounted solar panel array and construction of a vehicular access.
19.25 Parish Meeting commenced.
- Apologies
12 apologies (names held by the Clerk).
- Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 4th August 2022
The minutes of the meeting held on 4th August 2022 had been circulated and were approved unanimously. They were signed by the Chair.
- Appointing of officers
Louise Edney was unanimously re-appointed as Chair for 2023/2024.
Lee Edney was unanimously re-appointed as Clerk for 2023/2024.
Names of proposers and seconders of motions held by the Clerk.
- Declarations of Interest
Lee and Louise Edney declared interest in both planning applications to be discussed on the agenda as their house is next to both proposed sites.
- Declaration of no accounts and no precept approval
Declaration of no accounts approved unanimously.
Motion setting WFPM precept at zero unanimously approved.
Names of proposers and seconders of motions held by the Clerk.
- Viking Link
The Chair reported to the meeting the result of contact made with Viking Link re a compensatory fund to aid repair of Folly Lane, however, it was explained that there is no fund available. Folly Lane is used by heavy farm equipment and is liable to damage.
- Planning Applications
- S/203/01294/22 Erection of 2no. houses each with detached double garage and stores, construction of a vehicular access and alterations to an existing vehicular access.
- It was reported to the meeting that this application was refused by ELDC planning department on 17th October 2022. Full details of the decision can be found online.
- S/203/00283/23 Erection of a dwelling, installation of a ground mounted solar panel array and construction of a vehicular access.
- It was reported to the meeting that this new application has been received on the land between Holme Farm and The Bungalow, set back from the road on a 6 acre plot. Full details of the application can be found online.
- Cllr Ashton addressed the meeting explaining the planning issues raised by the application.
- Discussion followed with dialogue between the applicants and members of the parish meeting. The Clerk was instructed to file a letter of objection.
- Deadline for ELDC to receive letters from anyone wishing to express their opinion is ideally Friday 24th March although letters until Friday 31st March should also have a chance to be considered.
- Highways Update
- The drain between The Bungalow and Silt Pit Farm has now been fixed and it was reported to the meeting that this has made a huge improvement. Thank you was passed on to those who helped to get this issue resolved.
- The question was raised about a possible weight restriction on the road between Stickney and New Bolingbroke. Cllr Ashton explained this would be very difficult and was dictated to by the max. load rate of the bridges along the route. This is an important route with no realistic alternative.
- Cllr Ashton confirmed repairs to Folly Lane were approximately 2 years ahead in the schedule, he confirmed he would enquire as to whether this can be expedited.
- Fly Tipping
No issues, to be removed from the agenda for next time.
- A.O.B
- The Chair gave a vote of thanks to Dyson Farming for use of their meeting facilities and to Cllr Ashton for attending the meeting.
- The drain that runs along part of Folly Lane has now been cleared.
- The Chair read out an email received about a recent change of name relating to the now “Carrington and New Bolingbroke Town Council”. Cllr Ashton explained that the New Bolingbroke Hall was, 200 years ago, intended to be a town hall. In honour of the 200 year celebrations, it thought fitting to change the name.
- The issue was raised about a dog waste bin at Hagnaby Lock and also Stickney end of West Fen. Cllr Ashton explained that Lincolnshire County Council will empty them should bins be provided. This issue is to be investigated further.
- Website – The Clerk confirmed he is still having problems with the new website and will endeavour to resolve these issues with the provider. Please continue to use the notice board as the first point of contact.
- Matters for the next agenda
Same as this agenda excluding fly tipping.
- Date and time of next meeting
Provisional date of next meeting set: 28th September 2023. Date and venue to be confirmed nearer the time.
The meeting was closed at 8.35pm.
West Fen Parish Meeting
7.15 pm on 20th March 2023
Dyson Farming Offices, Carrington
Minutes (Unapproved)
5 electors plus the Clerk and the Chairperson (names held by the Clerk) and Cllr Thomas Ashton. Mr and Mrs Coton were also in attendance for the duration of the meeting.
- The meeting was opened at 19.23 with a public forum presentation from Mr and Mrs Coton with reference to the planning application S/203/00283/23 Erection of a dwelling, installation of a ground mounted solar panel array and construction of a vehicular access.
19.25 Parish Meeting commenced.
- Apologies
12 apologies (names held by the Clerk).
- Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 4th August 2022
The minutes of the meeting held on 4th August 2022 had been circulated and were approved unanimously. They were signed by the Chair.
- Appointing of officers
Louise Edney was unanimously re-appointed as Chair for 2023/2024.
Lee Edney was unanimously re-appointed as Clerk for 2023/2024.
Names of proposers and seconders of motions held by the Clerk.
- Declarations of Interest
Lee and Louise Edney declared interest in both planning applications to be discussed on the agenda as their house is next to both proposed sites.
- Declaration of no accounts and no precept approval
Declaration of no accounts approved unanimously.
Motion setting WFPM precept at zero unanimously approved.
Names of proposers and seconders of motions held by the Clerk.
- Viking Link
The Chair reported to the meeting the result of contact made with Viking Link re a compensatory fund to aid repair of Folly Lane, however, it was explained that there is no fund available. Folly Lane is used by heavy farm equipment and is liable to damage.
- Planning Applications
- S/203/01294/22 Erection of 2no. houses each with detached double garage and stores, construction of a vehicular access and alterations to an existing vehicular access.
- It was reported to the meeting that this application was refused by ELDC planning department on 17th October 2022. Full details of the decision can be found online.
- S/203/00283/23 Erection of a dwelling, installation of a ground mounted solar panel array and construction of a vehicular access.
- It was reported to the meeting that this new application has been received on the land between Holme Farm and The Bungalow, set back from the road on a 6 acre plot. Full details of the application can be found online.
- Cllr Ashton addressed the meeting explain the planning issues raised by the application.
- Discussion followed with dialogue between Mr and Mrs Coton and members of the parish meeting. The Clerk was instructed to file a letter of objection.
- Deadline for ELDC to receive letters from anyone wishing to express their opinion is ideally Friday 24th March although letters until Friday 31st March should also have a chance to be considered.
- Highways Update
- The drain between The Bungalow and Silt Pit Farm has now been fixed and it was reported to the meeting that this has made a huge improvement. Thank you was passed on to those who helped to get this issue resolved.
- The question was raised about a possible weight restriction on the road between Stickney and New Bolingbroke. Cllr Ashton explained this would be very difficult and was dictated to by the max. load rate of the bridges along the route. This is an important route with no realistic alternative.
- Cllr Ashton confirmed repairs to Folly Lane were approximately 2 years ahead in the schedule, he confirmed he would enquire as to whether this can be expedited.
- Fly Tipping
No issues, to be removed from the agenda for next time.
- A.O.B
- The Chair gave a vote of thanks to Dyson Farming for use of their meeting facilities and to Cllr Ashton for attending the meeting.
- The drain that runs along part of Folly Lane has now been cleared.
- The Chair read out an email received about a recent change of name relating to the now “Carrington and New Bolingbroke Town Council”. Cllr Ashton explained that the New Bolingbroke Hall was, 200 years ago, intended to be a town hall. In honour of the 200 year celebrations, it thought fitting to change the name.
- The issue was raised about a dog waste bin at Hagnaby Lock and also Stickney end of West Fen. Cllr Ashton explained that Lincolnshire County Council will empty them should bins be provided. This issue is to be investigated further.
- Website – The Clerk confirmed he is still having problems with the new website and will endeavour to resolve these issues with the provider. Please continue to use the notice board as the first point of contact.
- Matters for the next agenda
Same as this agenda excluding fly tipping.
- Date and time of next meeting
Provisional date of next meeting set: 28th September 2023. Date and venue to be confirmed nearer the time.
The meeting was closed at 8.35pm.