4th August 2022 minutes

                                 West Fen Parish Meeting

                                7.15 pm on 4th August 2022

                         Dyson Farming Offices, Carrington





6 electors plus the Clerk and the Chairperson (names held by the Clerk) and Cllr Ashton.


  1. Apologies

10 apologies (names held by the Clerk).

  1. Approval of Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held on 12th May 2022.

The minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2022 had been circulated and were approved unanimously. They were signed by the Chair.

  1. Vote of thanks

Thanks were extended to Cllr Ashton for attending the meeting and Dyson Farming for providing the use of the meeting room. Thanks were also made to an elector who kindly volunteered to sand and oil the notice board.

  1. Declarations of Interest

Declarations of interest were made by the residents of Holme Farm and The Bungalow with regards to a planning application S/203/01294/22.


  1. Viking Link


Further to the meeting in May and as requested by the electors present, the Chair made contact with the Viking Link about the traffic issues raised, the damage to verges but in particular the damage to Folly Lane (namely between The Farm and The Cottage).

The Chair read out an email to the meeting which confirmed Hall Lane (and Folly Lane) shouldn’t be used by construction traffic. The email explained that due to staff changes and holidays, they have now reminded the entire team not to use these roads. Viking Link are considering a larger sign at the top of Hall Lane (near the primary school).

A resident of Folly Lane and a resident of PE22 8BH agreed to inform the meeting should construction traffic resume at which point the Chair or Clerk will contact Viking Link again.


  1. Planning Applications
  • S/203/01040/22 – Change of use, conversion of and alterations to existing barn to provide a first floor holiday unit. THE FARM, FOLLY LANE, PE22 8BN.
    • Permission Granted 21/07/22 for holiday use only with no ground floor sleeping.
  • S/203/01294/22 – Erection of 2no. houses….LAND BETWEEN HOLME FARM and THE BUNGALOW, PE22 8BH
    • Cllr Ashton addressed the meeting explaining the planning issues raised by the application.
    • Discussion followed and the Clerk was instructed to file a letter of objection reflecting the views expressed in the meeting.
  1. Highways Update

Cllr Ashton explained the difficulties with budget and the practicalities of implementing highways projects already in the plan across the area in light of resource cost price issues/inflationary pressures.

Cllr Ashton encouraged continued reporting of pot holes/highways issues as and when they occur on: https://www.fixmystreet.com.

Residents from The Bungalow and Holme Farm explained the problems with the sagging in the road to the West boundary of The Bungalow (North to South perpendicular to the road) which is progressively getting worse and worse. See map below.


Noise and vibrations (even felt a field away at Holme Farm) continue to get worse, generally begin at 5am and continue relentlessly throughout the day. Cllr Ashton agreed to investigate potential solutions.

  1.  Fly Tipping

A discarded fridge on Folly Lane was swiftly removed after reporting. No other issues. It was suggested this item be removed from next meetings’ agenda.


  1.  A.O.B
  • A resident had kindly brought the work of CPRE – The Countryside Charity to the attention of the Chair who relayed its work to the meeting. Anybody interested in the work of this charity should contact them directly should they wish to get involved.
  • The Clerk explained the problems experienced with the hosting platform for the parish website. There appears to be some software mix up between West Fen and another parish. The Clerk reiterated the notice board should be relied upon for information in the first instance, emails will continue to be circulated too.
  • A resident reported that the dyke near Hagnaby Lock had still not been cleared. Follow up needed with Witham Forth.


  1. Matters for the next agenda

Same as this agenda.

  1. Date and time of next meeting

Annual Parish Meeting is the next planned meeting to be held late Spring and before 31st June 2023. Date to be confirmed nearer the time.


The meeting was closed at 8.50pm.




Signed: ………………………………………………..

(Mrs Louise Edney – Chair of West Fen Parish Meeting)


Dated: …………………………………………………