Annual Parish Meeting minutes 21st March 2019


21 March 2019, 7.30pm


9 electors attended plus the Clerk and the Chairperson (names held by the Clerk).


5 apologies (names held by the Clerk).

Approval of minutes of meeting held on 27 September 2018:

The minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2018 had been circulated and were approved unanimously. They were signed by the Chair.

Vote of thanks:

A vote of thanks (in no particular order) was given to:

  • Beeswax Dyson for the use of their premises tonight
  • Mrs Lucy Edwards and MG Dales Joinery Ltd. for helping to repair the notice board door (due to wind damage)
  • Electors helping to support the Parish Meeting

Appointment of officers:

It was explained that anybody was entitled to stand to be elected as an officer and the Chair invited nominees for next year`s Chair and Clerk. It was noted that other positions could be made available if anyone wished to participate in other roles and the formation of a new committee. No one expressed a desire to be appointed as an officer.

Louise Edney was proposed to continue as the Chair by Lee Edney and seconded by Tim Hopper. She was duly elected as Chair unanimously.

Lee Edney was proposed to continue as the Clerk by Tim Hopper and seconded by Phil Todd. He was duly elected as Clerk unanimously.

Declarations of interest:

Richard Lenton declared that he had an interest in the Viking Link discussion as the route of the power line would pass through land belonging to him.

It was explained that should, during the course of the meeting, an issue arise that would warrant a declaration of interest to be made, then such an interest could be declared at that point by the individual concerned.

Planning decisions and notices:

None outstanding for West Fen.

Solar Farm / Folly Lane Community Fund:

A full update was given as to the current position with regards to both the bird box and notice board projects.

The recent damage to the notice board was caused by high winds and it is possible that the door was not secured properly.

Gary Steele is still recuperating from his recent accident so is some way off being able to monitor and report back to us on the bird boxes. It may be 2020 before he is able to do this. Everyone once again sent their best wishes to Gary.

Viking Link:

Planning Consent has been granted on 12.12.2018. It was mentioned that wildlife impact investigations are apparently ongoing.


  • An update was given on communications with L.C.C Highways about verges and potholes by the Chairperson. Emails that have been sent to, and received from, L.C.C Highways were read out. Efforts made by Louise and Lee Edney and John Dawson to fault report were explained. Some minor temporary repairs have been done, but Highways say that this is not a long term solution, and the matter has been referred on to their asset management team. We have to wait for them to release their annual asset list and see if our road is on that list. If not, it was agreed that we would chase for an explanation by email and copy in Cllr Tom Ashton.
  • L.C.C Highways have confirmed by email that they do not have the resources to replace the missing boundary signs at this point in time.
  • The Beeswax Dyson tour has been delayed, but they had asked for an expression of level of interest, which was unanimous for a full site tour. Louise Edney would ask Beeswax Dyson for suggested dates and circulate those dates by email later.
  • It was agreed that all future meetings would continue to be advertised on the Notice Board, by email and on our website for the foreseeable future.

Matters for the next agenda:

It was agreed that there would be a review of the road situation.

No other items were proposed.

Date and time of next meeting:

A date was set for 7.30pm on Thursday 26 September 2019 at the Beeswax Dyson site in Carrington.

The meeting was closed at 8.15pm.