Annual Parish Meeting minutes 13th May 2021


West Fen Parish Meeting 7.00 pm on 13th May 2021 via Zoom




6 electors plus the Clerk and the Chairperson (names held by the Clerk).


9 apologies (names held by the Clerk).


Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 25th January 2021

The minutes of the meeting held on 25th January 2021 had been circulated and were approved unanimously. They were signed by the Chair.


Appointing of officers

Louise Edney was unanimously re-appointed as Chair for 2021/2022.

Lee Edney was unanimously re-appointed as Clerk for 2021/2022.

Names of proposers and seconders of motions held by the Clerk.


Declarations of Interest

Lee Edney and Louise Edney declared an interest in any matter relating to the planning application for a barn conversion adjacent to Holme Farm.


Declaration of no accounts approval


Declaration of no accounts approved unanimously.


Motion setting WFPM precept at zero unanimously approved.


Names of proposers and seconders of motions held by the Clerk.


Planning applications

No new applications received.

Solar Farm application for amendment to planning approval has been granted.

No decision yet on barn adjacent to Holme Farm. Flood Risk Assessment has been requested by ELDC. Gary Steele’s email to the Chair was read out (ie his response to the query raised with him concerning the bats in the barn), in which he stated that he was now retired.


Highways Update

Cllr Ashton has not yet been able to update us further on the Folly Lane and Stickney Lane issues.

The dip in the road next to The Bungalow, Stickney Lane was discussed, and comments received by the Clerk from the occupiers as to cracking appearing in plaster work (caused by lorries) were relayed to the meeting. Fix My Street has changed the action code to awaiting further investigation.

The verges on Stickney Lane remain a serious concern.

Folly Lane is getting worse, yet still no sign of promised repairs.

The 40mph signs erected close to where Viking Link will cross Stickney Lane were a concern as no work is being undertaken, yet they remain. The fear was that they will be ignored, so that when work is undertaken, there could be an accident as drivers have become blasé to them being there for no apparent purpose.

It was agreed that the Clerk should write to Highways regarding these concerns.



The Chair explained a newsletter on Viking Link, and where online information can be sought -

Fly tipping on Folly Lane was noted as a growing concern, but ELDC do appear to be proactive in clearing waste.

WFPM website was discussed and recent Jadu issues preventing the Clerk from updating the site were noted.

It was reiterated that the Notice Board is our primary source of notification of meetings, as not everyone can access the internet and Jadu has proved unreliable.


Matters for the next agenda

Fly Tipping.

Highways update.

Planning update.


Date and time of next meeting

Thursday 23.09.2021 provisionally set as a date.

Venue to be confirmed, but a face to face meeting was expressed to be preferable to Zoom if a suitable venue could be found in accordance with any Covid rules prevailing at the time.

The meeting was closed at 7.52pm.